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Colin McGowan
Registered Physiotherapist
- Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy, Dalhousie 1995
- Bachelor of Science, Francis Xavier University 1992
- ICBC and Motor Vehicle Injuries Physiotherapy
- Work Safe BC and WCB(WSBC) Injuries Physiotherapy
- Orthopaedic injuries, neck/back & joint pain
- Whiplash associated disorders
- Neurological conditions e.g. head injuries, multiple sclerosis
- Sport Injuries
- Private Practice Physiotherapist for 18 years
- Treats athletes from various sports including ice hockey, football and skiing
- Member of the Canadian Luge team 1985-88 world championships and world cup circuit. Finished 2nd in nationals 3 times.
- One year in the hospital setting
- Acupuncture, AFCI level 3